What is JTF

In essence it is a two day musical theatre festival with over 6,500 participants.  This is held here in Atlanta Mid January every year (For 2025 it’s on January 17-19) at the Cobb Galleria.  Every theatre company joining this experience is tasked with producing a 15 minute cut of any Junior related show. This 15 minute excerpt is assessed by 2-3 professional adjudicators who give immediate feedback, and workshop sections of the show. Actors then have a debrief to discuss their experience. (Adjudicators are all musical theatre professionals).

In addition, actors attend the following workshops: dance / acting / vocals. They have the option to attend theatre technical workshops, and there are numerous shows, discussions, demos,etc. throughout the weekend.

Click the below dropdowns to watch each performance we’ve done at JTF

JTF 2019 – Shrek Jr. – Awarded for Excellence in Music
JTF 2020 – Frozen Jr. – Awarded for Excellence in Acting
JTF 2021 – Lion King Jr. – Awarded for Excellence in Ensemble
JTF 2022 – Aladdin Jr. – Awarded for Excellence in Acting
JTF 2023 – James and The Giant Peach Jr. – Awarded for Excellence in Acting

Before continuing further, we recommend reading the Life of a Theatre Show: Beginners Guide as it will detail out Top Hat Theatrics process of auditions and rehearsals in detail.

Requirements to join JTF: Students who audition must be self-motivated, want to greatly increase their vocal, dance and acting technique while giving back to the community, setting an example and participating in the musical theatre experience of a lifetime.  Student Company members must be between the ages of 8-18.  Because of the nature of our training, students must be able to stay focused. Due to the nature of JTF we recommend students that have experience in theatre before in some capacity before considering this journey.

JTF Event Location – Renaissance Atlanta Waverly Hotel and Convention

The Renaissance Hotel has been the go to location for hosting JTF for years now. Over 100 theatre companies and schools from around the world travel to participate in this huge event!

2450 Galleria Pkwy, Atlanta, GA 30339

JTF is a jam-packed event starting early in the morning lasting all the way into the night for three days straight! This one location will hold at least 6,500 participants who all have one thing in common: A love for theatre!


Adjudication Student groups perform 15 minutes from MTI’s Broadway Junior Collection musical for adjudication by leading theater professionals. Groups are rated in the areas of music, acting, dance and overall performance. The adjudicators offer constructive criticism to each group to encourage further learning in key areas.

Workshops for Students and Teachers

Broadway professionals and master teachers from across the country offer interactive workshops! Workshops are for both teachers and students in all aspects of musical theater performance and technical theater.

JTF All-Stars

Selected student performers and student technicians are chosen as festival All-Stars. All-Stars participate in exclusive workshops and are given the opportunity to be a major part of the Freddie G Awards Ceremony. Choreography

DVD Auditions Choreography

Selected students are invited to audition for Broadway Junior Resident Choreographer Steven G. Kennedy for future Broadway Junior Choreography DVD shoots!

New Works Showcase

Get a sneak peak at the newest shows soon to be released in the Broadway Junior Collection.


A one-of-a-kind mainstage event hosted by Junior Theater Festival creator, Tim McDonald, it’s a discussion with interesting folks from across the theatrical industry about their unique journeys and remarkable accomplishments.

Tech Olympics

Four students that “survive” the general Tech Olympics will be placed in groups compete in this fun, high energy tech obstacle course designed to get everyone pumped up about technical theater!

Awards Ceremony

Awards are given out for the following categories:

Best Individual Performance

Excellence in Acting

Excellence in Dance

Excellence in Music

Excellence in Ensemble

Outstanding Production

Check out our past awards by clicking the below:


Will all that audition make it into the JTF Company?

We would love to be able to accept everyone into the company however, we only have a limited number of spots available. Ever year we take approximately 30 performers.

What if my child doesn’t make it into the JTF Company? What does that mean?

Sometimes we may feel that a student needs a little more experience before taking them to such a large event.  If your child is not selected as a Company member, they are encouraged to audition for future productions or attend one of our summer camps.

Why should my child attend JTF?

JTF gives everyone who attends the opportunity to experience the transformative power of musical theater through watching performances, attending workshops, and making connections with other musical theater groups from around the world.

If my child goes to JTF, do I have to attend as a chaperone?

If your child has any health challenges that can affect their participation we would ask that you attend as a chaperone.  If your child becomes injured and still attends JTF you must agree to be a common area chaperone.

I want to be a chaperone, do I still have to pay?

Yes, JTF is organized by iTheatrics and they require everyone that attends, pays.

Is there a one day pass?

No, there is not a one day pass available. Everyone who attends the festival must pay the participation fee and attend with a group.

So do we stay at the Waverly? Do we have to travel to the location everyday home?

We do not stay at the Waverly in particular. We do hoteling every year for JTF to ensure we’re close by in traveling. Hotel is optional, but if you choose to travel from home to the event then we’d suggest dropping off your student at our hoteling location instead so they may travel with the other students in assigned groups lead by chaperone parents attending the JTF location.

For privacy matters, hoteling information are disclosed to participating Top Hat Theatrics staff, students and parents only.

Can I just be a common area chaperone?

Yes, we will have a limited amount of common area chaperones.  You will not be able to see the adjudications or enter any of the JTF events but you can assist us in other common areas for snacks, lunch, dinner etc.

Is it only JTF? Do the kids get to perform the full hour Junior show?

Great question! Yes, students do get to perform the junior show. In our season we plan for students to perform the JTF excerpt first and then after a two week break from JTF we come back to rehearsals to create the junior show to perform in a normal theatre space for a live audience. Typically the rehearsals for the junior show take place at the beginning of February. The junior show performs live around mid March.

What if I want my kid to perform in the Junior show but not JTF?

We do ask that every student who signs up for the JTF Junior show of the season that they also participate in JTF. If there is an additional and/or reason please feel free to contact info@toptheatrics.org.

So how long do you rehearse?

JTF Rehearsals: Rehearsals generally start in mid-October. Specifics are detailed per season/show based on other conflicting factors.

The days/times are nights we may generally rehearse, we stay away from weekday rehearsals due to school.

Fridays: 6pm – 9:30pm

Saturdays: 5pm- 9:30pm

Sundays: 4-7pm

JTF Event: Mid January (In 2025 the event is from the 17th, 18th, and 19th)

Junior Show Rehearsals: After a two week break from JTF, we come back to the rehearsal space in the beginning of February to then rehearse for our Junior show performance slated for mid March.

Saturdays: 5pm- 9:30pm

Sundays: 4-7pm

Is there programming for my technical theatre students?

Of course! Students interested in behind the scenes work can participate on the Student Technical Theater Track which features specialized workshops in technical theater, participate in the Tech Olympics and potentially become a Technical Theater All-Star.